Research and evidence
This has been a focus of my studies and practice since I began advising the Commission in 2016 and working there in 2017. In 2021 I began publishing academic and other reports that examined human rights and the Commission.
12 000 complaints without a compliance notice (Guardian Australia & ABC) [it is now well over 14 000]
Negative experiences of complaints processes (Guardian Australia + internal feedback obtained via FOI + Your Story, Your Say)
Evidence that some services fail to meet statutory obligations to report on complaints outcomes (e.g. South West Health Care)
Commission efforts to suppress the release of recommendations that it makes to mental health services (Guardian Australia).
Forensicare Consumers & Simon Katterl, ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing Act’ (online, Submission to Engage Victoria’s Consultation Paper, 2021).
Simon Katterl, ‘The importance of motivational postures to mental health regulators: Lessons for Victoria’s reforming mental health system’ (2021) 29(6) Australasian Psychiatry 638.
Chris Maylea, Simon Katterl, Brendan Johnson, Susan Alvarez-Vasquez, Nicholas Hill and Penelope Weller, ‘Consumers’ experience of rights-based mental health laws: Lessons from Victoria, Australia’ (2021) 78 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry DOI: 101737.
Simon Katterl, ‘Examining the workplace rights of mental health consumer workforce members’ (2022) Online First Australian Health Review 1.
Simon Katterl, ‘Regulatory oversight, mental health and human rights’ (2021) 26(1) Alternative Law Journal 149.
Simon Katterl & Chris Maylea, ‘Keeping human rights in mind: embedding the Victorian Charter of human rights into the public mental health system’ (2021) 27(1) Australian Journal of Human Rights 58.
Jonah Bossewitch, Lydia X. Z. Brown, Piers Gooding, Leah Harris, James Horton, Simon Katterl, Keris Myrick, Kelechi Ubozoh, and Alberto Vasquez, ‘Digital Futures in Mind: Reflecting on Technological Experiments in Mental Health & Crisis Support’ (University of Melbourne, 2022).
Simon Katterl, ‘From harm to healing: restorative and responsive mental health regulation’ (2022) Journal of Social Issues 1.
Simon Katterl, ‘Regulating rights: developing a human rights and mental health regulatory framework’ in The Future of Mental Health, Disability and Criminal Law, edited by Kay Wilson, Yvette Maker, and Piers Gooding. Routledge, 2023.
Simon Katterl, Caroline Lambert, Chris MacBean, Flick Grey, Lorna Downes, Morgan Lee Cataldo, Katrina Clarke & Sharon Williams, Not Before Time: Lived Experience-Led Justice and Repair (Advice to the Victorian Minister for Mental Health, February 2023) <> .
Simon Katterl, ‘Words that hurt: how mental health stigma remains outside the law’ (2023) Alternative Law Journal 1.