Letter to the Victorian Mental Health Minister
19 September 2023
The Honourable Gabrielle Williams
Minister for Treaty and First Peoples and Minister Mental Health,
Level 3, 1, Treasury Place
East Melbourne, VIC, 3002
By email: Gabrielle.Williams@parliament.vic.gov.au
Dear Minister Williams,
Letter: Let the Minister for Mental Health know it is our Commission
Victoria's mental health system 'catastrophically failed' to meet expectations and routinely violates human rights. These were the findings of our Royal Commission. The Victorian Government committed to implement all of its recommendations.
But the Victorian Government can't create a new mental health system while it covers up the problems in the current one. Despite 14 000 complaints and $27.4 million in public funding, we have little systemic change to show from the Mental Health Complaints Commission. People are regularly reporting that their complaints aren't helping and aren't making change.
The Commission has the most comprehensive powers of any commission in the country, including the ability to direct services to follow the law where they breach human rights. Despite receiving 14 000 complaints over nine years, the Commission has never issued a single compliance notice.
Now, as the Commission is rebranded into a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission, it is taking Victorians to court to prevent the release of data. The Commission is spending more taxpayer money to prevent the release of recommendations that it makes to services to improve, even though the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner ordered them to do so.
We can make a better system if the Victorian Government is brave enough. The Victorian Government should drop the court case to prevent the release of data and should commit to a review into the Commission so that we don't repeat these mistakes.
The Victorian Government promised to create a new mental health system. Now is the time to deliver.
Simon Katterl
Sam Stott
Catherine McRae
Kerry Hawkins
We need public bodies to pull in the same direction in fulfilling their functions for transformative change to occur. Having a Commission that keeps finding excuses to not fulfil its role in systemic change is a disincentive for change and offensive to the people it is supposed to serve.
James Bell
Hamilton Kennedy
Leah McKenner
Molly O'Neill
Chris MacBean
Our rights under law matter, and the MHCC has failed us. This Gov. needs to take this issue very seriously !!!! The facts speak for themselves !!!
Debra Klages
Melissa Keller-Tuberg
Dave Peters
What purpose does a well resourced complaints & enforcement/accountability body have if it regularly abrogates and ignores the authority invested in them? Why, when negligence & lack of action is clearly demonstrated to a massive degree, would the Govt transfer and replicate the existing non-functioning body over to the new Commission? I find it painfully ironic that Einstein’s definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again, and expecting different results.
How will the new Commission be different than the current one? What possible purpose is a body charged with investigating and holding services accountable when it has so fundamentally failed to discharge that duty?
Garry Bartlett
Libby Henstock
I want the government to be accountable.
Sean Fitzgerald
We need a better mental health system for future generations, it's time to make change now for the betterment of all current and future service users.
Tanya Hardy
Kate Swaffer
The lack of action by your government the last 9 years is appalling, and is causing ongoing violations of people’s human rights. Shame on your government.
Paula Bolger
Transparency is so important in mental health responses as our must vulnerable people especially under involuntary orders are harmed by the system suppose to help them.
Liat Watson
My 24y.o otherwise highly intelligent and high-performing daughter who works within the disability sector experienced deplorable care after a serious self harm event 5 months ago. It quite literally nearly finished the task she started.
Alex Bhathal
Catriona Elder
Kelly Dargan
Gemma Smart
Transparency is necessary for ethical medical and governmental practice.
Robert Bolger
My 17yo daughter is suffering from mental health issues and we've had virtually no help from hospitals etc. We've had to gather our own team of a psychologist, psychiatrist, specialist GP and dietician at incredible expense to get her treatment. Unfortunately not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to do this. The government needs to step up NOW.
Stephen Grady
Any organisation that tries to hide data into its performance deserves to be investigated. If they have nothing to hide let them be transparent.
Caroline Lambert
David Mithen
Justice must not merely be done, it must be seen to be done.
Pauline Miles
The government needs to drop the case and do the right thing. Release the report.
Chelsea Tunnicliffe
Because I too have suffered detrimentally due to the current "System".
Patrick Thomas
Acknowledging the errors of the past, and transparency around this, is essential to any significant reform. This one is a matter of life and death quite literally.
Cat van Remmen
Indigo Daya
Mental health services have unparalleled powers to take away our rights and even use violence on us. We are trapped in these awful units, no one sees what they do to us and we can’t even get a lawyer. The very least we should have is a complaints body that does it’s job. I have zero trust in the MHCC because it’s all secret. Release the data!
Shiffi Blustein
Priscilla Ennals
Transparent and safe sharing of complaint data and resulting actions is critical to understanding current status, what works, areas in need of priority focus, and will evidence progress towards reform.
Kellie Hewson
For every one of these complaints there would be another one, at least, that isn’t raised due to this inaction and a fear of repercussions for loved ones. We need to change this broken system to support our most vulnerable people.
Fiona Woollard
My daughter is suffering trauma and abuse in a mental health inpatient unit now. After speaking to the Mental Health Complaints Comission I am shocked at their lack of action to assist us. This has to change.
Suzanne Walker
Transparency is key here, the system has damaged us enough, it is time for change!
Beth M
Dr Dia J Andrews
As a mental health care consumer and policy advocate, I firmly believe that we need greater accountability from mental health care systems.
anna potter
Clare Stewart
Linda Steele
Sophie R
Allison Black
Megan Collins
Laura Kelly
Sarah Wallace
We need to have healthy open discussions about how to move forward in a positive way to improve how the vulnerable people are treated in the mental health system in the future. This document must be released, it is integral in healing.
Christopher Tsiopelakos
Sharon Cunningham
Nelly Katsnelson
Sione Crawford
The Vic govt has put in motion a number of important social justice reforms and to maintain momentum and transparency is important to maintain public faith in reform.
clare jewell
The complaints commission has and is continuing to support the exploitation and human rights abuses of people in the mental health system and is currently fighting for its right to continue to do so at the exper[sic].
Jacqueline P
Please fix our broken system. Too many people get left behind.
Arifin Tellegen
Hans Pols
Dayna Hayman
Systemic change happens when institutions and governments are held responsible. The Royal Commission heard firsthand the challenges and harm people face when seeking needed help. MHWC should honour the input from lived experiences engagements and the designers, policymakers and other passionate leaders to build trust in the NEW system. Don't step off on the wrong foot by wasting tax money on lawyers and just follow governance orders. Data for all! Change takes bravery.
Hayley Purdon
Kath Balson
I’m a firsthand witness to the failure of the mental health system in caring for my mentally unwell niece. It’s had a massive impact on the whole family.
Tamar Ben-Barak
I served in a public Area Mental Health Service for 2.5 years. During my work, I witnessed things that no one should either witness or go through in healthcare. I saw people being frightened beyond reason. I saw people being threatened by treatment orders with no justification. I saw total ignorance about trauma and many denials of our own trauma-provoking behaviours.
I also saw people denied appropriate physical healthcare, with their mental state being used as an excuse to ignore their accurate and relevant pleas.
I support a strong Complaint Commission that pins down services for inappropriate ethical and clinical behaviour.
I support a transparent system and honest communication.
I support stopping the whitewashing and the covering-ups that infect our mental health system, including the government bodies that guide and regulate it.
I vote for hope.Melissa O'Shea
Selin Kaya
Miles Rinaldi
Beyond what has already been written, this is about values. If the values of Government and their institutions, such as the Commission, are not upheld then there is no integrity.
Natalie Hendry
William Lau
Susan Whilliamson
Things can only improve if all data and reports are made public and examined.
Belinda Fewings
Francesca Macaulay
I support my Lived and Living Experience peers and Colleagues.
Daniela Bradley
Nicola Guerin
As someone who conducts engagements and research with people with lived experience in Victoria's mental health system, I am routinely told by consumers about failures of the complaints system in terms of timeframes, processes, bias to supporting clinicians (perhaps due to the vagueness of the mental health laws giving clinicians power to make temporary orders and use restrictive practices with little oversight), and limited outcomes.
Many consumers have expressed determination to pursue their complaint after horrendous experiences of human rights breaches, for the sake of other consumers, with no confidence that their complaint will have a satisfactory resolution or even hearing. Many other consumers have lost faith in the system and do not bother to pursue valid complaints because the process is a deterrent, and the outcomes are not worth it - perhaps this is the aim of the complaints commission as it has become far too closely tied to the interests of clinicians and services. Consumers need to have the harms they have experienced acknowledged and redressed fairly, for their ongoing health and wellbeing, and for the community's. Please make all the data publicly available, compulsorily reportable, and by service.
Pan Karanikolas
Rosie Tilli
Lorna Downes
Emma Grose
How and why do we have this commission if we can not see the report?! We are working to create a better system that is only retraumatising us not listening and no action.
Richard Hayward
We need a mental health service that delivers positive outcomes for consumers and avoids harmful and restrictive practices.
Natasha Gore
As someone who has made a complaint to the MHCC about poor treatment and trauma at the hands of the clinical mental health services, and as an advocate for consumers in the lived and living experience field, access to this information is paramount to improve the mental health system for consumers, carers and services alike.
Alison Barrett
Deb Parke
Our mental health system is in crisis. Do something.
shweta krishnan
Abigail Lewis
Danni Taylor
Chantelle Higgs
Transparency and accountability matter. Data tells us what is happening and there is was a promise to change after the RC into our health system is failing. The Commission needs to do better! Much much better!
Shellie Braverman
Kate Harper
Tamara Wilson
Being told my child will be seen after everyone who wants to live, gives me no confidence. I have supported families begging for help only to lose a child to suicide less than 12 hours after being sent away. How many more lives will be lost due to ignorance.
Nicole Lee
Jess P
As a young mental health carer, you come to learn that your voice does in fact not matter if the complaints commission does not have the teeth to fulfil its duty of care & is in a position of regulatory capture.
Providers cannot be accountable if the government continues to politic & be non-transparent to the people they are elected to serve.
Lizzy Page
I made a very serious complaint to the MHCC about the improper use of electroconvulsive treatment in 2018. the MHCC sided with the hospital service assisting them to cover up my mistreatment then lied about resolving my complaint. During a facilitated meeting a staff member from the hospital spoke up on my behalf because the MHCC would not. The MHCC makes hospitals unsafe because they do not understand how to manage complaints processes, how to mediate, negotiate outcomes, or how to facilitate meaningful change. The MHCC also has no respect for the legislation or the safety and rights of people who take the time to make a complaint. This failure also creates an unsafe workplace for frontline staff as hospital management is not motivated to invest in real improvements.
Kathy McCormick
How are we to have faith that this authority is doing it’s job without the information required to make the assessment. Since when does organisational self regulation work when it comes to protecting the rights of vulnerable people?
Damien Linnane
Penelope Weller
I support this letter because transparency around complaints is essential for justice and the proper functioning of the mental health system. In this instance the Mental Health Complaints Commission is well placed to take a leading role, if it wished. It could seize the opportunity to lay the groundwork for the transformative role envisaged for the coming Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission. It could demonstrate its commitment to transparency and accountability by working productively with the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.
The legally defensive approach adopted by the Commission sits at odds with the principles of Open Disclosure and the Victorian Government's commitment to the elimination of avoidable harm and improvement of quality in the health system, including the mental health system. Our governance agencies have a precious role to play in upholding the rights of vulnerable Victorians. Mental health consumers, in particular, deserve a transparent and active Commission.
Anna Browne
I work in mental health and learnt about this campaign at TheMHS. Transparency is so important!!
Shehani DE SILVA
Hahra Sedge
Because clearly the commission is not being accountable, by denying release of information they are not fulfilling their designed role as respond to people's complaints and take these violations seriously as breaches of human rights.
Karen Thomas
Cath Roper
Consumers who have desperately wanted their complaints to be heard and acted on have not had satisfaction from the Mental Health Complaints Commission. This experience has the potential effect of making consumers doubt that that they are entitled to fair and just treatment before the law. Transparency is key to having confidence in Victoria's mental health system. The Victorian government needs to ensure that the data the MHWC is seeking to prevent from being made public, is instead released so that we can have confidence in an accountable and transparent mental health system
Scott McKissack
I find the attempted covering up of recommendations made to improve services to be morally and ethically reprehensible.
This is a common theme here in Victoria and people deserve to know what government departments/agencies are up to. It’s taxpayers money that is essentially being used but the constant hiding has to end.
Maxine Ewens
Arna Rathgen
People deserve to have their voice heard & feedback valued.
Ingrid Ozols
What has been the outcomes of these complaints? What actions have heen taken? Where is accountability? How was the funding spent?
Ruby Partland
Aimee Sinclair
Piers Gooding
Ruby O'Rourke
My friend has been given pharmacy drugs for 27 years with a diagnosis never reviewed.
Lewis Noonan
Rebecca Egan
Dianne Wells
Ben Staggard
I am a NDIS support worker who works with people who have psychosocial disabilities, and I also have my own lived experience with ill mental health and the public health network in Victoria. I participated in one of the focus groups facilitated by Chair Commissioner, Penny Armytage and have followed this space since.
Instead of seeing wide spread systemic change for better outcomes for consumers, I've seen the establishment of more opaque, money-wasting, data-collecting institutions that either refuse to help people or have such limited scope that they aren't able to help people.
I am appalled by this systemic lack of action and accountability, and truly believe that this is a complete failure of the Victorian Government. Australian's deserve much better.
Valerie Gillies
Eila Lyon
Releasing this information is a vital step in restoring trust in a system that has harmed and continues to harm many. What good are human rights and laws if they are not able to be realised? No wonder consumers routinely say 'I have no rights'.
Kath Sellick
Shona Louis
Katie Thorburn
Complaints always need a response. The sheer volume of 14,000 complaints, statistically means there would be need for compliance notices.
Kristy Stuart
Daniel Van der pluym
Lynette Florea
Ray Sewak
I work within the QLD mental health system and I see its parallels with the Victorian mental health system. These recommendations need to be released to keep the Victorian government accountable, and guide service delivery for other states’ mental health system.
Lara Anderson
I support this as to have genuine sustainable real change, with need transparency and honesty. Not opaque.
Michelle Write
Sandra Goode
Transparency and accountability are vital to restore any sense of confidence in our mental health system.
Government needs to demand more of organisations supposedly set up to protect consumer and carer rights.
We need action, not more rhetoric.
Woollard Olivia
Jacqueline P
Giulia B
Cheryl Kerss
Anna Lampugnani
Consumers dont want to be left in the dark.
Steve Zinko
Because the care for the Mentally Ill, in this country is appalling!
Andrew Symons
Kevin Aik
The mental health services in this state are appalling and need to change and the complaints Commission is absolutely useless. As an adult who got a diagnosis of ASD and ADHD I personally am yet to receive any actual help with my mental health issues and trying to get help is like beating my head against a brick wall...... Painful and pointless.
Patrick Livermore
Kim Wolfenden
A friend wasn’t heard & would be nice if people listen.
Tom Machniak
Julie Campbell
This needs to change.
Jo Cowie
How dare you use our money to investigate and then have the temerity to say you won’t release it. You work for us! We pay your salary not the other way round. Do your job or step down!
Lauren Walsh-Buckley
Kate Galloway
Luke Omahoney
To improve the mental health care of consumers and move towards the notion of Big Community.
Clare Davies
Melanie Sherrin
We have the ability and the compassion to be better.
Karen Walls
Caitlin J
Carissa Dyall
Rachael Laidler
Mental health services must be transparent and held accountable for breaching the human rights of Victorians.
Sharyn Dickeson
I do not agree with a system of secrecy. If we are to bring about positive change in mental health then the current system failures must be see for what they are; a failure.
Fiona Foley
My complaint about my 85 year old mother's treatment at the Bendigo Base Hospital mental health unit is still going on over a year later and the pedestrian communication to us and being shoved from one case manager to the other is so distressing. Mum was kept against her will without an active involuntary treatment order... We would really like transparacy...
Daisy Gleeson
Amanda Pockett
I am tired of empty promises from the Royal Commission recommendations. Harm is still occurring in the name of healing. Healing isn’t even mentioned for our loved ones. It’s containment, suppression, dispair and no repair. We can’t wait 10 yrs for change when we’ve already been waiting for many years. Every component of the mental health system is failing our loved ones, consumers and their families and the distress caused to all will take years to recover from
Hannah Friebel
As a person with lived experience of the mental health system - and also as an individual who has worked in the lived experience workforce across reforms, I would like to see the government take its word seriously and uphold the rights of people who use services.
Karen Kenny
Accountability is transparent.
Bethany Dunlop
Fay Jackson
If 14000 complaints and not one compliance order issued seems to be a severe lack of responsibilities of the Commission and it’s purpose. The Commission should also be transparent with de-identified data to prove the value of its work and worth to the tax payers and to the people who need the commission to work for them. Confidentiality is important and should be honoured but deidentified data is one of the cornerstone to good decision making and reform.
Jonathan Harms
Confidence in services and transparency around problems and needed reforms are critical if consumers of mental health services and their families and carers are to finally get the treatment and support their human rights and dignity demand. A publicly funded complaints body for vulnerable people concealing its performance from the public after negative findings have been made against it is an unacceptable abuse of power. If the Commission has failed to impose standards on those failing to meet them the taxpayer is entitled to know how and why and therefor what needs to be done to fix the situation for those who may not be able to advocate for themselves.
Hannah Tucker
I have seen up close how demoralizing the complaints process itself can be, and for it to then lead to no clear outcomes and no accountability leads to a lack of faith in the system and the people who are meant to be protecting our most vulnerable. I want to know that if I make a valid complaint, that something will be done to change the system and make improvements. If people have to work every day to improve their mental health, in a system that does not work, why does the system get to sit back and never put effort into doing better.
Carol Ransley
Annie Rowland
By your own admission, the mental health system in Victoria is broken. Part of fixing it, is developing mechanisms that are just and fair for those most greatly impacted. There must be transparency threaded through every step and turn in this process, it is critical for the rebuild of trust - which is what has ultimately been broken time and time and time again.
Lesley Barr
Transparency and accountability are needed to instil trust and confidence in the tax payers.
Richard Hendrie
I endorse this sentiment
Richard Hendrie
Long term consumer
Puneet Sansanwal
Benjy Lee
Angela Obradovic
Systems do not improve without transparency. Accountability is key to reform.
Rebecca Langman
Kat Elsby
Gabrielle Hodge
Serena OCallaghan
Julie campbell
Jade Bradford
The Victorian Government will never be held accountable without transparency.
Alex B
Molly Williams
Alycia O'Keefe
I have experience with the MHCC and know many others who do. Despite its role as an oversight body that is supposed to provide some protections for consumers whose rights are regularly breached, so far it has proven incapable and unwilling to do so. When I raised concerns about coercion, I was told that I was sorry I felt I had been coerced but there was nothing they could do. When I questioned them on what I would need to prove coercion, they informed me that it is difficult to prove and didn't have an answer for me. They were also late in sending responses (to my detriment) and extremely unprofessional in the way that they handled my complaint. I wholeheartedly support this letter - the Royal Commission was about reforming the system, and in order for this to happen we need an oversight body that is both capable of and willing to fight for and protect consumer rights.
Odette Shenfield
Gregor Husper
We need a commission that provides meaningful support to people with mental illness. We need to understand how it is performing.
Jasmine Griffiths
Narelle Fousketakis
Flick Grey
I sincerely want to understand what support YOU need right now, to step up into playing your part as an accountable oversight mechanism, to enable effective, accountable oversight mechanisms through the system, and to ensure mental health services are accountable for any harms they cause.
I began making a complaint to the MHCC. They assured me it was a very serious complaint and the harms if endured very serious. But because I had been so harmed by the mental health system, it took time to process and be able to speak up. The MHCC rushed me and drained me and I gave up, knowing this process was not possibly going to be effective in ensuring the level of change that would be needed (and that the Royal Commission called for).
What are you committing to? Do you care about the harms happening on your watch? It doesn’t seem like you do care, but if you do, how can we help you do better?
Amanda Habermann
Brett Williams
Systems and people within systems who harm people should be held accountable
Michelle Kehoe
Michael Mintrom
Fred Tanner
It’s time to do the right thing and stop playing with the lives of people with mental health.
Josh Taylor
Matthew Jackman
Chloe Span
Richard Asser
Honesty and Safeguarding
Terminate corruption and interference from Healthcare
Mental Health Wards are corrupt and breach international human rights
Luke O'Mahoney
please we are human beings stop violating our human rights bring us all along to a better life through the notion of Bringing BIG COMMUNITY back to Public Health business as usual simply is not working I point to the latest Meta Analytic review in 2022 that finds the combined effect size of talk therpies as we know it and psychotropic medication as .35 what a rip off what a waste of money how can you keep bolstering psychiatry and psychology when these arcaine ARTS simply dont work!
Amanda Zinko
Sophie Lucas
Ryan D'Lima
We need to stop human rights violations and have complaints commissions with die powers stand up to those organisations and individuals engaged in such rights violations.
Lets build a more compassionate, helpful system by focusing on accountability and transparency.
In solidarity from across the nation
Sam Brown
Tony Brown
Its time to act not muzzle
L MacFarlane
Danielle Stoneham
Elizabeth Bradley
Non theraputic approach h to care and no way out if a totally Flawed system that causes more harm than results and then being denied and covered up
Emily Alexander
Anna Beddoe
It’s important that tax payer money is spent in the best interest of tax payers. The state of the mental health system and the rebranding of the commission seems like the government is NOT spending tax payer money with the best interests of the Victorian people in mind.
Erin Henderson
Bronte Doneman
Elijah Franco
Emma Lewis
Allison Stanley
Transparency and accountability are not only essential principles in the provision of public services they provide the only effective mechanism to ensure problems are addressed and necessary improvements made. There is never a perfect service just those which are genuinely committed to ongoing consumer responsive improvements and those that aren't.
Alicia Martin
Caroline Bambrick
Naomi Penny
Katherine Scully
Leigh Burrage
Caroline Walters
Family, carers, supporters and consumers are continuing to experience distress, harm and human rights violations within the mental health and Wellbeing System. There needs to be more openness.
Sharon McDonald
Claire Conlon
For every person that has the courage to complain about an issue, they are usually representing a range of people who had the same experience, yet i am gobsmacked that there has not been one single compliance notice with such pervasive breaches of rights. We do deserve better.
Kathy Wilson
Amaya Alvarez
In the Royal commission reforms being more transparent and accountable was key to changing the MH systems for the better. To do this we need to have a Commission that exercises its powers fully and release data that provides people with the information they seek without prejudice or fear.
Abigail Dent
Nicole Ash
Nadia Gavin
Julian Milinovich
Christina Carter
Brit Chapman
Snowy Primmer
Michelle Oakman
Rhonda Mundy
We need a system that addresses any area that impacts on the rights of people living with mental health issues and their families, carers and supporters. This cannot be effective if there is lack of transparency and cover up. Please address this now.
Anthony Oakman
People living with mental health issues deserve a voice. This commission is meant to be our voice. Yet it has done nothing for the entirety of its existence. You, the commission ARE ANSWERABLE to me and every person living with mental health issues. I, along with ALL the other signatories, DEMAND answers and change.
Anthony Oakman
Natasha Craig
Bee Hayes
I work in the AoD field and this information is critical to my work.
Kaydee Adams
Rowena Jonas
Sara Voegtline
amelia quist
Jimmy Paton
Because reform can only come through the insight of those experiencing the faults in the system.
Melissa Oakman
Leigh Carter
I for one suffer from Mental Health issues. Victoria needs a lot more support in this area, with a lot more oversight and supervision from hogher ups.
Those that suffer from Mental Health issues have a right to the same care those without do. A lot heftier punishments should be installed to lessen these atrocities.
Deanne Asser
Helen Searle
Bridget Murray
Kerryn Rhodes
It’s disgraceful and morally corrupt system - poorly impacting patients, families, entire communities including the healthcare workers dedicated to this area. It's breaking an entire state and likely, a national population as well
Jane Brophy
Frank Bees
I wholeheartedly support this letter: initiating a court case to prevent the release of information is such a waste of money, time and human resources, which could otherwise put to better use improving mental health services provision
Mad Magladry
Clear and honest data about performance of mental health services and the performance of those who oversee these services is crucial to changing systems that cause harm.
John Martyr
Melissa Russell
This data is important to understand the functioning of the Commission and how it can be improved, as well as how mental health services can better meet community needs. It is data that ought to be public, rather than suppressed.
Rachel Katterl
Carolyn Weidner
Because our Mental Health system is supposed to heal lives, NOT cause trauma and further damage to people who are already struggling. Dishing out potent, sometimes toxic 'psyche' drugs and punishing those who choose to self-medicate with less harmful substances than those being peddled by psyche services.
It's well past time for this awful system to change for the better, for so-called ''experts'' to actually LISTEN to those who are prepared to tell their story. A review into the Commission might help to address some of the many issues faced (by clients) when trying to access services.
Julian Bennett-Longley
Jo Hugman
Transparency is important to help improvement.
Sharon Janssen
Vardit Leizer
Lee Ritchie
Libby Katterl
Mental Health is a serious issue the current system desperately needs an overhaul for people in need; family support and those who provide services - everyone is stretched to their limits and beyond. Transparency is needed to ensure this is resolved.
Mark Holloway
Jan Fenn
Shannon Bowman
Sophie Delaney
Accountability and transparency is crucial here. Useful information can be disclosed and privacy protected – it’s not one or the other.
Adam Casey
Dawson Grace
Ian Row
Lyndal Rowlands
A commission that simply takes and doesn’t act on 14,000 complaints sounds like a void for reinforcing discrimination.
Liz Asser
Human rights need human champions
Lucy Ledger
Renee Wilson
Tim McDonald
Sana Mansour
Time to deliver on what's important.
Pia Sappl
Deb Carlon
C Francis
Vrinda Edan
Paul Armitage
Rita Berak
I cant understand how you can receive 14 000 complaints and not act. What happens to consumers who complain and go through the process, as an advocate why do I refer consumers to your service it makes no sense.
Susan Baidawi
Transparency in the challenges of our health system for some of the most vulnerable Victorians is critical to a well functioning society.
Bonnie Sheppard
Edwina Saines
Oliver Moore
Janet Pearson
Kim Lu
Kellie Stastny
Thomas Carroll
Kim McNamara
When trauma underpins the reason/ need for the vast majority of people seeking support for mental & emotional distress, then we need a system that does not compound or create trauma. We need a system that truly does 'no harm', is respectful and supports recovery, a system that upholds human rights and maintains the individual at the centre of their care & decision making. A Commission must hold service providers to account and, importantly, support services to do better, to do no harm.
We can do better.
We must do better.
Systems and services need to be transparent for accountability and support for continuous improvement because when we know how to be/do better we can change/ improve systems to effectively support people seeking help.
Timothy McGregor
The royal commision gave us a chance for a better mental health system.
Without knowing where and how it can be improved on a human rights level (eg the complaints Commission) Moving forward becomes challenging as the gaps can't be adequately filled with a fix all plug.
Kayri Craig
Christina Van Heer
The public service is based on a tenant of giving frank and fearless advice, and acting with honesty and integrity - as a former public service employee this much was made clear. No less should be acceptable. The mental health system cannot improve without disclosure of the harms which have been committed, as reform has to be based in trust and integrity. Preventing the release of this information prevents substantive progress being made regarding mental health reform in Victoria.
John Mills
the Mental Health system- must stop making addicts our of people- by using coercion on first episode drug effected psychotics- because their being made - turned i=into drug addicts- who cant escape the neurotoxins destroying their minds and bodies- as they report them to be- without going mad in the process- that treatment takes up 70% of the MH budget- and costs people their sanity and sense of trust or self- for something that statistically only has a 50/50 bets outcome- 70% goes in in facility== returns at one every 12 to 18 mths- plus the cost of controlled drugging CTOs- all because of coercion on first episode troubled usually drug effected people- with temporary troubles- conditions- that need temporary care- after the maximum cut off point if necessary, of six weeks max- safe withdrawal- from temporary neurotoxins..not doing that costs every australian- a 70% slice of treatment cost- that's clearly a terrible waste of money- and a trauma on the victims and their families, as reported by over 50% of them- anyway that's why id be signing this petition. Not so much for the 70% cost, more for what its doing to lives..coercively, and adversely.
Georgia Harraway-Jones
The Victorian Government needs to act in the faith of the Royal Commission. Accountability and transparency are the foundations to an improved, less traumatizing system. We sorely need systems change.
Jacqueline Storey
Kathryn “Kate” Roberts
I've lived with mental illness for my entire adult life. I've been an episodic consumer of public mental health services, and my treatment and care was mostly good. I was able to complete my university studies and have now worked as a health professional for over 20 years. My son's experience was very different. He has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and lost a decade of his early adulthood to the mental health system. As a family, we have survived two ineffective Victorian Mental Health Acts and do not want to see this current opportunity wasted.
Julie Rankin
Its imperative that Consumers have a Voice.
We need to be heard- we need positive changes.Its the Co.sumers and Carers that know what is needed.
Change needs to happen so that we can move forward with a person centred approach.
Matthew Cook
Lily M
Christina Patching
Chelsea Campbell
Emma Grose
We need a transparent accountable system. This is our commission. We need to do better.